An alternate story of Pokémon, Pokémon Twilight follows the adventures of Indigo League Champion Kaia Attwater and her trainees, Rose Thyme and Gina Green, who are aiming to be Pokémon Masters.
The story's events are like the stories in colored Pokémon games and Ash Ketchum's adventure, but with more characters and interesting lives to follow. There's also a Team Rocket crew that the story follows: Sae, Naelle, and Gavin. I personally believe this Team Rocket could defeat anyone if they persevere.
The art fits perfectly with the story with its not too simple and not too detailed style.
The comic launched in March 2007, and is by Smackjeeves user Ling. Updates to the comic are at ireegular times, but there is usually at least one update every month.
Recommended audience: All Ages
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